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Programming Environment

Pacific Northwest NA Regional


Each team at each site at the Regional Contest will be provided with one workstation. The hardware configuration of the workstation will be determined by each site. Every effort will be made to ensure that teams at all sites have equivalent hardware resources.

No hardware substitutions will be allowed (that is, teams may not bring their own equipment to the contest). This includes that teams may not substitute keyboards or other peripherals; all teams at a site will use identical equipment during the contest.


The software configuration for the Regional Contests is based on that which is used at the ICPC World Finals, and will consist of the following:

  • OS: Ubuntu Linux
  • Desktop: GNOME
  • Editors: vi/vim, gvim, emacs, gedit, geany, kate
  • Languages: Java, C, C++, Python 3, Kotlin
  • IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ, CLion, Pycharm, Code::Blocks, Visual Studio Code

For details on the specific versions and configurations of the above, see the Software section of the current World Finals Programming Environment page.

Compilation of Submissions

During the contest, teams will submit proposed solutions to contest problems to the Judges using the PC2 Contest Control System. Check the PC2 Web Team Interface (WTI) Team Guide for further details.

Source files submitted to the Judges will be compiled and executed using the steps and compiler/execution flags described in the Compilation of Submissions and Execution of Submissions sections of the World Finals Programming Environment page. Compilation and execution will take place on a dedicated judging machine. Each judging machine will be an AWS M5.Large machine with 4 CPUs and 16GB RAM.

Build Instructions

Instructions for building a system identical to what is planned for team use at the Regional Contest are posted here.  Please note that the image created by these instructions is a draft, subject to changes as we approach the contest.  See the Revised  date at the bottom of that page to determine the most recent change date.

Reference Materials

The following packages will be available on team machines at the Regional Contest, and will be installed automatically as part of the steps listed under Build Instructions, above. 

  • JDK JavaDocs
  • C++ STL docs 
  • PC2 Team Guide (as linked above)
  • Additional Information:

Update History

We welcome all suggestions and comments.  The Regional Contest environment is subject to change until the final update.  All questions about the system configuration should be directed to John Clevenger, Regional Contest Technical Director.

January 4, 2024        Replaced detailed software and compilation/execution descriptions with links to World Finals equivalents.
January 3, 2024        Updated header and links for Spring 2024 contest.
January 2, 2024        Initial version, cloned from PacNW Spring 2023 description.